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Exercise 6. Answer the following questions. 1. Why is the winter holiday season the most festive time of the year?

1. Why is the winter holiday season the most festive time of the year?

2. What is the major religious faith in the USA?

3. Why do many Americans take extra part-time jobs in December?

4. How do the Americans celebrate New Year?

5. Why do many children adore New Year and Christmas?

6. What do the Americans promise each other at New Year?

7. When is the American nation’s birthday celebrated? What do people do that day?

8. What is the history of establishment of Labour Day in the United States?

9. How is the Memorial Day celebrated in America now?

10. What do you know about the history of Thanksgiving Day?

Exercise 7. Write an article to your pen-friend from Los-Angeles, describing national holidays in Ukraine. Don’t forget to compare and contrast national holidays in both countries.

Useful expressions: both, however, also, although, moreover, compared to, in order to, on the contrary, while, but, whereas, in addition, as well, both … and, not only … but also etc.

eg. In the USA Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December whereas in our country people celebrate it on the 7th of January.

It is interesting to know that …

the term Yankee, sometimes abbreviated to Yank, has a few related meanings, often referring to someone either of general United States origin or more specifically, within the US, to people of Northern origin or heritage. Its meaning has varied over time. Originally the term referred to residents of New England as used by Mark Twain in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. During and after the American Civil War its meaning expanded to include any Northerner or resident of the states formerly on the Union side of the war, and included anyone from the Northeast (New England, Mid-Atlantic, and upper Great Lakes states). After the Civil War the term gradually reverted to its earlier meaning of New Englander.

Outside the United States, Yank or Yankee is a slang term, sometimes but not always derogatory, for any U.S. citizen.

British officers (whom the Colonists referred to as “redcoats” or “lobsterbacks” because of their red-coated uniforms) used “Yankees” as a term of disrespect for the colonial farmer-soldiers. Eventually, however, the Colonists began to take pride in their new name, and in the tune “Yankee Doodle”, which the British had formerly used in scorn of them.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 322 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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