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To have to

1. The attention of the railway authorities of all countries has to be focused on the development of high-speed passenger and freight service.

2. As the computer is still under guarantee, I will not have to pay for the repairs.

3. While building the railway in Siberia, the workers had to overcome (преодолеть) many difficulties.

4. Passengers traveling from Moscow to Vladivostok have to move the hands of their watches several times because the Trans-Siberian Mainline crosses several time zones.

5. Dining cars first appeared in the late 1870s. Until this time, the trains had to stop for meals at restaurants along the way.

6. There’s a direct train to Leeds. It may stop at other stations but you do not have to change trains.

7. As there were some defects in the train power supply system, the train had to be removed from service.

8. Switches are necessary where a train has to be moved from one track to another.

9. I will have to pay 50 rubles extra for my luggage because it is overweight.

10. In Japan, passengers have to go through a gate (пропускной пункт) to enter the platform area. Passengers have to show their tickets to a station clerk at the gate and they will also have to show their tickets at a ticket gate after they deboard a train and exit the platform area.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 246 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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