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Ex. 5. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences

1. The bridge ___ the island to the mainland.

a) is connecting b) connects c) is connected d) was being connected

2. The movement of trains was stopped on that section of the line because it ___.

a) is being repaired b) will repair c) was being repaired d) repairs

3. Passengers want to know what rail companies ___ to improve services.

a) are doing b) does c) were done d) are being done

4. Such materials as reinforced concrete (железобетон) and steel ___ for the construction of modern bridges.

a) use b) were being used c) will be used d) are used

5. Within five years, the railway ___ over seven million passengers a year.

a) carry b) was carrying c) will be carried d) was being carried

6. The train ___ Moscow; let’s start packing.

a) approaches b) is approaching c) will approach d) was approaching

7. A lot of foreign correspondents arrived in Japan when a new maglev train ___.

a) was testing b) tested c) was being tested d) is being tested

8. The train for Boston ___ from track 2.

a) is leaving b) leave c) will be left d) were leaving

9. The cigarette ban (запрет) ___ most troublesome for smokers on long train journeys.

a) are b) were c) will be d) isn't

10. The conductor ___ on good-naturedly (доброжелательно) about long train journeys but Donna scarcely (едва ли) heard what he said.

a) babbled b) will babble c) is babbling d) was babbling

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