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Ex. 8. Read the sentences and translate them, paying attention to the italicized adjectives and adverbs

1. In the US, people prefer to use motor transport or aircrafts because traveling by train is slower than by plane and tickets are sometimes more expensive.

2. The earliest trains had no sleeping cars. There was no need for them because the railways were short; the longest journey lasted only a few hours, and nearly all trains went in the daytime.

3. In Australia, the traffic is heavier during the winter months, when many tourists travel in passenger trains.

4. The underground railway is the quickest, safest, the most reliable and comfortable means of city transport, which is operating in 80 cities all over the world.

5. It is much more convenient to go by express train because it doesn’t stop at small stations, and it takes you less time to get to your destination.

6. Semaphore used to (раньше) be the most common device of signaling.

7. Petrol engines are lighter and smaller than diesel engines; they are cheaper, less noisy and go faster; that is why they are used in cars and motorbikes. On the other hand, diesel engines use less fuel, last longer than petrol engines; this is why larger vehicles such as trucks and trains use them. They are also safer than petrol engines, because there is less danger of fire.

8. The Japan’s fastest trains called Hikari (which means ‘light’) cover the distance of 1,068 km from Tokyo to Hakata in less than 7 hours.

9. George Pullman’s sleeping car was much simpler in design than the sleeping cars of today, but it was much more suitable for long-distance travel than any other kind of cars in use at that time.

10. An electric train is one of the most ecologically friendly kinds of transport because it doesn’t contaminate (загрязнять) environment with exhausted gases.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 349 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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