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Economic and legal content property

In economic thought for a long time dominated the view that the property - this is man's relationship to things, man's power over the thing, its ability to hold, dispose of, to use the material conditions of their existence. In this case, the human desire to possess things stood as the natural, inherent instinct. However, as experience and knowledge of the laws of social development concepts of ownership began to change towards greater recognition are not natural and social foundations of her

Property - is the relationship between people, expressing a form of appropriation-alienation of goods, particularly capital goods. Assignment of benefits in the seizure of another one of the same benefits those are not available for use by the latter. For a more complete picture of the property should determine the place which belongs to it in the system of social or economic relations

The economic content of the property - a collection of industrial relations, which are caused by the people to the means of production and the production process. Property - is the basis, the foundation of the whole system of social relations. Property depends on the position of certain groups, classes and strata in society, their access to the use of all factors of production.

The ownership can be seen as a statutory right to determine which things may use or dispose of a person, as well as the conditions under which such use or disposal can be implemented.

The objects of the property are material conditions are the production and life of a man (the means of production and labor), and the results of production (material goods and services).

The subjects of the property may be a person, labor groups, associations, state.

In a market economy, property objects are divided into three groups:

1. Real estate.

2. Movable property (allowing him free movement).

3. Intellectual property.

Legal ownership of the content is realized through a set of powers of its members. Comprehensive study of the property allows us to determine the three major socio-economic issues:

1. Who (what business entities) have the economic power - assign factors and results of production?

2. What economic ties contribute to a better use of the working environment?

3. Who gets the proceeds of economic activity?

According to the unified system of economic relations of the property includes the following:

a) the use of production factors and results;

b) the economic use of material and other resources;

c) implementation of the economic ownership.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 350 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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