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Economic Systems. Types of economic systems

System - a set of components and parts in relation to each other, forming the integrity, unity. The system is not part of the main, not the elements themselves, and their interaction, relationship, relationship with each other.
Systems have many forms. With all the diversity, all systems can be divided into three types:

• technology;

• biological;

• social.

However, the processes of technological and biological systems are in accordance with objective laws, and only superficially similar to the social system, characterized by the fact that they have no trust units have no result, not foreseen by anyone. It's more comprehensive regulation under the influence of the laws of nature.

Economic system - the set of all economic processes taking place in society based on the established therein property relations and the economic mechanism. In any economic system plays a primary role in the production together with the distribution, exchange, consumption. All economic systems are required for the production of economic resources, and results of operations are distributed, exchanged and consumed. At the same time, the economies are also the elements that distinguish them from each other:

• socio-economic relations;

• organizational and legal forms of business;

• economic mechanism;

• a system of incentives and motivations of the participants;

• economic relations between enterprises and organizations.

The basic types of economic systems:
- traditional;

- command and administration;

- the market;

- mixed.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-30; Прочитано: 231 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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