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Fig. 1. The structure of ownership

Assignment - the economic relationship between people, which establishes their relation to things like property.

The assignment can be combined with the opposite attitude - alienation. It appears, for example, if a part of the community captures all the means of production, and the other part is, without any means of subsistence.

Property economically realized if it generates income to the owner. Such income is all newly created product or parts thereof, which are obtained through the use of labor and means of production. It may be, for example, profit, tax, various fees.

Official statistics out the following forms of ownership: public, private. Different forms of ownership, operating in the general system of economic relations, cannot be isolated from each other. Overcoming their specificity, they are inevitably intertwined. On the basis of such a weave can occur mixed ownership. The objective basis of this weave - Synergies and use of the specific features that are inherent in each of the specific forms of management.

Economic property relations in modern society are realized in legal forms. The latter determine the relationship of the subject property (the owners) to objects of property.

There are different versions of the classification of property rights. The most common classification by A. Honore (english lawyer):

1. Ownership, i.e. right of exclusive physical control of goods;

2. Right to use, i.e. the right to use mineral wealth for themselves;

3. The right of control, i.e., the right to decide who and how will provide benefits;

4. The right to income, i.e. the right to have the results of the use of goods;

5. The right of the sovereign, that is, the right to dispose of, lease, alteration or destruction of goods;

6. The right to security, i.e. the right to protection from expropriation and benefits from harm from the external environment;

7. Right to pass on inherited wealth;

8. The right to indefinite possession of good;

9. The ban on use in a manner harmful to the environment;

10. The right to responsible as punishment, that is, recoverability of benefits in payment of a debt;

11. A residual nature, i.e. the right to existence of procedures and institutions that provide a remedy.

Some powers (5, 7) are complementary to each other. Others repeat the elements of Roman law (1, 2). Following (5, 7, 10, 11) form the equivalent of "order", which in theory is the highest continental powers, sometimes called full ownership or full powers of ownership.
Not all of the powers are directly related to the economy. For example: the right to inheritance. Other rules and their implementation maps property in economically functional state - the right of ownership, use and management. The right to income is the most important form of economic realization and economic functioning of the property.

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