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Dialogue 1

Arriving in Australia

- Hi! Are you Olga? I’m Tom. Welcome to Australia!

- Hi! It’s nice to meet you.

- How was your trip?

- It was very long. But I am happy to be here now.

- You speak English so well. Have you ever been to an English-speaking country before?

- Last year I went to the USA.

Dialogue 2

The Australian English

- I hope to improve my English while I am here.

- You will also have the opportunity to learn the Australian dialect.

- Is Australian English very different from American and British English?

- No, it’s not very different. Some of our words come from the Aborigines, such as “boomerang”, “kangaroo”.

- Who are the Aborigines?

- They are the Australian natives that had been living here for thousands and thousands of years before the first Europeans came to Australia.

Dialogue 3

Russians in Australia

- Could you tell me something about the Russian settlers in Australia?

- Yes, sure. The first Russian settler was Peter Potoski, a sailor. He came here in 1804.

- I heard that Nikolai Miklukho-Maklay, a Russian scientist and traveller, visited Sydney.

- That’s right. He came to Sydney in 1878. He established a marine biological station in Australia. Miklukho-Maklay lived here for several years. He married an Australian woman and had two sons. Their descendants still live in Sydney.

Dialogue 4

In Sydney

- Have you done much sightseeing in Sydney?

- Yes, I have. I’ve taken a bus tour through Sydney. The architecture here is really something to see.

- If I were you, I would also visit the Taronga Zoo here in Sydney. It’s got a lot of unique animals.

- Good idea! I love animals.

- Have you taken a tour on a passenger ferry?

- No, not yet.

- You should take a ferry ride to see the sights of Sydney from the water. The Sydney Opera House looks fantastic from the water.

Dialogue 5

Special Services for the Disabled

- One nice thing about museums in Australia is that many of them have special services for disabled people.

- What kind of services do they offer?

- There are parking areas just for the disabled, so they don’t have to walk far.

- And how about those who use wheelchairs?

- There are ramps for those who cannot use the stairs or escalators.

- What about people who cannot see very well?

- They are given large-print materials, such as maps and information about the museum.

- That must be very helpful.

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