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Retell the above text. Travelling to Britain

Dialogue 1


- Have you ever been to Britain?

- Yes, I have. I was there two years ago. In fact, I was in France, and I decided to go to Britain for a week or two. I went to Dover by hovercraft. It takes less than two hours to cross the Strait of Dover.

- And did you like England?

- You mean to say Britain, don’t you?

- I think there is no difference between Britain and England.

- It’s wrong to say England instead of the United Kingdom or Britain because England is only one of the parts of Britain.

Dialogue 2


- Hi, Andrew! Where have you spent your holiday?

- Hello, Keith! I’ve been to Scotland. It was great! Mountains are so high and so beautiful! And I visited a famous Loch Ness to see Nessy, but in vain. And where have you been on your holiday, Keith?

- I’ve visited my grandparents in Wales. The places are amazing to rest. There are cliffs, sandy bays and fishing villages. Nowhere in Wales is more than 50 miles from the sea, two hours’ journey by car.

Dialogue 3


- Do you know who built London?

- I definitely know. The Romans did. They built a town on the river Thames. The name of the town was Londinium.

- But much earlier the Celts settled in Britain as well as in Ireland.

- The Celts? I haven’t heard anything about them…

- One of the Celtic tribes was the Britons and later the island was named Britain.

Dialogue 4


- Listen, Kurt, and where is Oxbridge situated? I have looked the map through… Here is Oxford. And here is Cambridge… I can’t see Oxbridge though.

- Oxbridge is not a city or a town.

- Really! And what is it?

- It is the name for two old universities: Oxford University and Cambridge University.

- I see now. Thank you.

Dialogue 5


- Hello, Ivona.

- Morning, Sergey. What would you prefer – tea or coffee?

- I would like some coffee, please. Thank you. They say that the British people are considered to be the world’s greatest tea drinkers, aren’t they?

- I’d say they were. The British do not drink nearly as much tea as the Russians. Coffee is far more popular nowadays.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 226 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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