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Retell the above text. - Can you name the five Great Lakes without looking at the map?

Dialogue 1


- Can you name the five Great Lakes without looking at the map?

- I’m afraid I can’t. And you?

- I’ll try. Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

-Well, do you know anything about the rivers of the USA?

- No, I don’t think I know much about them.

- Well, what are the largest rivers in the USA?

- Everyone knows that, I’m sure! They are the Mississippi River, the Missouri and the Ohio. They are the longest rivers in the world.

- And what is the name of the longest river in Alaska?

- In Alaska? Just a moment. It’s on the tip of my tongue. It’s the Yukon!

Dialogue 2


- Which is the most populated state in the US?

- I’m sure anybody can tell you that it is California.

- That’s right. By the way, California was the birth-place of the United Nation.

- Do you know why California’s nickname is ‘Golden State’?

-Because gold was found in California over a hundred years ago.

Dialogue 3


- Do you know when Alaska became the 49th state?

- In 1959.

- And when was it purchased from Russia?

- In 1867, if I’m not mistaken. And do you know how much money the US paid for Alaska?

- In 1867 Alaska was bought by the United States for seven million two hundred thousand dollars.

Dialogue 4


- Hi, Pete! Is that true that you’ve just returned from the United States of America?

- Yes, that’s true. I spent a whole month there.

- What cities and towns did you visit?

- I spent two weeks sightseeing in New York City. Then my friends drove me to Boston.

- What did you do in Boston, Pete?

- My friends and I went sightseeing.

Dialogue 5


- Who was the first president of the USA?

- George Washington. He was unanimously elected President in 1789 and reelected for the second term in 1792.

- What other American presidents do you know?

- Er... let me think. Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Truman.

- Anybody else?

- John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and the 43rd President George Bush Junior.

Dialogue 6


- When was the Declaration of Independence written?

- It was written in the midst of the American Revolution (1775 – 1781), if I’m not mistaken.

- You’re right. Who was it written by?

- It was written by Thomas Jefferson, a planter and a democratic-minded patriot, who later served as President.

- Do you know when the Declaration of Independence was adopted?

- Yes, it was adopted on (the) 4th (of) July, 1776.

- Where was it signed?

- I think it was signed in Philadelphia. I’d like to say that July (the) 4th is now celebrated in the USA as Independence Day.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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