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PROGRESS TEST 2. Lessons 3-5

  1. Translate into English.

1) превышение кредита (в банке)___________________________

2) неожиданно полученная сумма денег_____________________

3) твердая валюта________________________________________

4) покупательский бум/растранжиривание___________________

5) рынок ценных бумаг с фиксированным процентным доходом/рынок облигаций__________________________________

6) контрабанда__________________________________________

7) подоходный налог_____________________________________

8) физическое лицо______________________________________

9) юридическое лицо_____________________________________

10) налогоплательщик_____________________________________

11) таможенная пошлина___________________________________

12) НДС_________________________________________________

13) понести убытки_______________________________________

14) конфискация__________________________________________


2. Provide synonyms for the following words and word-combinations.

Stockholder, gilt-edged securities, recession, goods and services tax, export tariff.


3. Provide word with the opposite meaning for the following words and word-combinations.

Credit card, wholesale, capital losses, in the black, borrower, underpay.


4. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the suitable grammatical forms of the words and word-combinations given in the list below.

1) Unlike those rich enough to set aside assets for a period of years in order to avoid tax, those dependent on income — particularly those subject to _______________ — have limited scope to fend off the taxman.

2) The government has lost £47 billion in tax receipts because of a legal _______________, it was revealed yesterday.

3) Another area of major concern to the police and the judiciary is drug _______________ and the methods used to deal with the huge profits it generates.

4) Contrary to popular belief, _______________ provides only just over a quarter of all tax revenue.

5) For most of the time since 1986, many parent companies would have done better putting their money safely in a _______________ than risking it in the securities markets.

6) Qatar benefited from _______________ oil profits.

7) Educated workforce is argued to be one of the important prerequisites for _______________ and advance.

8) Some 10 per cent of the goods bought at Sainsbury's stores is now paid for by _______________.

9) During this period, most _______________ prices fell about a third, rates of interest dwindled to vanishing point, and banking and commercial disasters multiplied.

10) He was not actually _______________ at the bank, but he was pretty near to it at times, although he was now paid a very good salary.

Words and word-combinations: windfall, loophole, in the red, smuggling, bank deposit, debit card, Pay As You Earn, economic expansion, income tax, commodity.


Total: 35 / _____

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 310 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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