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LISTENING. You are going to hear a talk between Elizabeth Corby and Mr

Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between Elizabeth Corby and Mr. Baker. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements. After you have listened to the tape determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Explain why.

1. Elizabeth Corby turned to Mr. Baker for help because they got a bit of a crisis on in Mr. Grant's office.
2. Mr. Martin was due back from Abraca that morning, but Sally Langly telephoned to say that she got flu, and that’s why he would need someone to help him.
3. Sally asked Mr. Baker to spare a girl from his department because the other two girls in the Sales Office couldn’t do shorthand.
4. Fenella’s shorthand was reasonable, she set her letters out well, but Mr. Baker didn’t think she was the world's fastest worker and didn’t expect she would manage.
5. That day's post was sorted and stamped the date in the General Office.
6. Elizabeth Corby showed Fenella the “in” tray with all the letters and memos which had come in while Mr. Martin had been away.
7. Elizabeth wrote a note with each letter to show whether she had taken any action or not.
8. Sally kept all the stationery (letterheads, envelopes, flimsy, and so on) in the separate drawer.
9. Elizabeth’s office is not far from Sally’s office, down the corridor.
10. Fenella denies it'll be fun to have a change.
11. Sally made Fenella sure the work at the Sales Office was rather different from the work in the General Office.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 645 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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