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Правленная на привлечение значительных капиталов дляisrpes

•itregnrscnocu itfgntr

поддержания темпов экономи ческого роста, способствует •ach srsepu ifsaghnor t(cosk,)

Международной промышленной экспансии транснациональн

Ы х к о р по р а ц и йa, а тbакlжoе уcвеkли чеoниfю sкаhпитaалrоeвлsожений

(ca p it al i nv e st m e n t) в д о•чеsрнuиеb коsмпiаdнииi.a Кrакiиeм оsбразом

6. Большинство экономистов под иностранными инвестиI’ve

Gothe impresion that. the text “Some Factors Which Shift the Planned Investment Schedule” and make

A synopsis of it.

Some Factors Which Shift the Planned Investment Schedule

Cost of capital goods. If the price of capital goods rises, then the expected rate of return on

Investment projects will fall if firms cannot pass on the increase in higher prices. So increases in the

Price of capital goods, all other things being equal, will reduce planned investment.

Technological change. Technological change will make new capital equipment more productive

Than previous equipment. This will raise the rate of return on investment projects, all other things

Being equal. Hence, technological change such as the introduction of computer aided machinery

Will raise the level of planned investment at any given rate of interest.

Л а п о х а р а к т е р у

Е г о


Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 155 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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