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By HDI countries are classified as

• Very high human development (Norway, Australia, USA)

• High human development (Bahamas, Belarus, Russian Federation)

• Medium human development (China, Moldova, India)

• Low human development (Kenya, Bangladesh, Ghana)

In today's world there are several groups of states characterized by the similarity of these socio-economic indicators. The World According to their socio-economic nature is extremely heterogeneous. Currently, there are three groups of countries:

Developed countries (Germany, Japan, Australia).That is a group of 25 countries. There live 1.2 billion people (23% of the total world population). They are concentrating about 70% of world GDP, and provide 70-75% of world industrial production.

Developing countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America. Speaking about their similarities, we should note colonial past and the associated stratification in the economy, rapid population growth, its poverty and illiteracy.

Countries with transitional economies, represented mainly by Eastern Europe, Russia

But it would be a mistake to make a sharp distinction between these groups. For example, today a whole group of developing countries – South East Asia, particularly South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Brazil and Argentina, and some others - for a variety of economic indicators is logical to include among the industrialized nations of the world. However, by the level of other important factors (depth of social contrasts, uneven regional development, etc.) the countries still traditionally belong to the group of developing countries. At the same time a part of absolutely developed countries are kind of lacking behind by their qualitative transformations of the national productive forces, which inhibits the growth of social productivity. For example, in Eastern Europe and Russia, it is about 50% of the level of Western Europe.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 443 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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