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Global economic relations originate in world trade, which has evolved from individual trade transactions to long-term large-scale trade and economic cooperation

Markets for goods and services, capital and labor, formed on supranational level, are the result of the interaction of the world demand, world prices and the world's supply, experiencing the merging cyclical fluctuations, operating in conditions of monopoly and competition.

Maturity of global economic relations is defined by the rate growth of trade and material production. The changes occurring in the field of international economic relations, show

data on the structure of commodity, the specific weight of transactions carried out on

labor market and capital market, the dynamics of world prices, driving directions

goods, services and capital. Analysis of the volume of imported goods (imports) and

exported from the country's industrial products, resources and investment (export)

made in monetary terms, is used to balance the costs and state income, known as the balance of payments.

Current stage of global economic relations is characterized by intensification of dependence, resulting from the relocation of production in developed economic systems to new technology base, with a predominance information technology. New qualitative state of the productive forces stimulated the internationalization of reproduction processes, which was manifested in two basic forms: integration (convergence, mutual adaptation of national economies) and the transnationalization (creation transnational industrial complexes).

Integration processes are regional in nature, taking the form of associations to achieve common economic objectives. Initially, the integration of association created for the lifting of customs barriers to mutual trade among member countries, ie, there were

so-called "free zones". More complex forms were sent to organization of customs unions, which involve the free movement of goods and services within the group and the use of customs tariff (tax on imports) in relation to third countries. Creating a general

market due to the elimination of barriers between countries, not only in trade,

but also in the movement of labor and capital.

Transnationalization - this is interstate integration, implemented at the level of private firms. Transnational structures combine the national economy is not on geographic location (a border), but on the basis of deep reproduction ties.

Worldwide, international trade is part of daily life. We all depend on the goods and services produced in other countries. There are absolute and relative advantages of different countries in production of various goods. Even if the country does not have absolute advantage, trade is beneficial to her because each country more profitable to produce and export those goods in manufacturing labor productivity are not the companies superior productivity in similar enterprises in other countries.

Comparative advantages - the main engine of international trade.

Production of technologically sophisticated high-tech products in advanced industries requires effort and pooling of capital and production of different countries. Framework of domestic markets is narrow. Needs for effective management of production requires an international production cooperation and scientific and technical exchange.

The vast majority of foreign purchases of complete equipment is accompanied by providing engineering and consulting services.

3. Classification of countries according their economic performance nowadays. Criteria & major difficulties of selecting appropriate criteria.

For operational and analytical purposes, the World Bank’s main criterion for classifying economies is gross national income (GNI) per capita.Other criteria are: GDP, structure of national economy and structure of exports and imports, human development index (HDI) and some others.

Based on its GNI per capita, every economy is classified as low income (most African countries), middle income (Portugal, Czech Republic, Malta) or high income (Monaco, Norway, and Switzerland). This approach is used by UN, IMF (absolute indicators of income per capita for countries are calculated annually).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 582 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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