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Look at each of the pairs of texts below and decide which presents its ideas more effectively. Why?

1 a) The project was a great success. All the participants enjoyed it. It supplied some income for the company. It also provided a useful service for the community. It led to some good publicity for our organisation too.

b) The project was a great success. Not only did all the participants enjoy it but it also provided a useful service for the community. As far as our company is concerned, it both supplied some income and led to some good publicity as well.

2 a) There were, however, one or two minor problems. Just over half of the participants expressed some dissatisfaction with the catering; the meals were too small and lacked variety. As many as sixty-five per cent of participants were unhappy with the accommodation provided, the main complaint being that they did not like having to share a room with two or three other people. We would strongly recommend that improvements be made with regard to both catering and accommodation in future years.

b) There were, however, one or two minor problems. Many of the participants expressed some dissatisfaction with the catering and even more of them were unhappy with the accommodation provided. We would strongly recommend that improvements be made with regard to both these areas in future years.

3 a) Most of the participants were good at the tasks they had to do. Some were particularly good at dealing with people while others were better at administrative or technical tasks. It would be good if, in future, we could carry out some kind of pre-project assessment so that we get a good idea in advance of where individuals' strengths lie. This would help us to get the best use from the time available.

b) Most of the participants were good at the tasks they were required to do. Some were particularly skilled at dealing with people while others excelled at administrative or technical tasks. It would be advantageous if, in future, we could carry out some kind of pre-project assessment so that we are aware in advance of where individuals' strengths lie. This would help us to make the most effective use of the time available.

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Издательство Российского экономического университета имени Г.В. Плеханова

117997, Москва, Стремянный пер., 36

Отпечатано в типографии РЭУ им. Г.В.Плеханова

117997, Москва, ул. Зацепа,41/4.

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