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Read the report below and suggest an overall title. Then suggest headings for each paragraph


Last month we sent a team of three members of staff to assess the town of Camford as a potential location for a new English language college for speakers of other languages. This report outlines the findings of the team and concludes with a recommen­dation.


There are a number of basic geographical reasons why Camford would appear to be an attractive location for a language college. Firstly, it is situated at a distance of only fifty miles from London and there are good rail and bus connections with the capital. Secondly, although Camford is mainly known for its ancient university, it also has a number.of other further education colleges so that there are substantial groups of young people in the city in term-times. Moreover, links between local industry, much of which is based on modern technology, and the educational institutions are growing so that the economy of the area is relatively healthy.


The health of the local economy combined with the youthful nature of the population, inevitably has a positive effect on the facilities available in the town. These include a sports complex with, among other things, a skating rink and an Olympic-sized swimming pool, five cinemas, three theatres and two larqe concert halls. There are also numerous shops catering especially for the interests of the young.


Despite its many fine points, Camford has, nevertheless, a couple of not insignificant disadvantages as the location for our new language school. First of all, there is a lack of appropriate rented accommodation available. In addition, public transport within the city is extremely poor.


To conclude, our recommendation is that we should take our investi­gation of Camford as a suitable location a stage further and should look for an appropriate site within walking distance of the town centre. We should, however, also consider the possi­bility of providing residential accommodation for our students.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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