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Mineral Resources of Great Britain

Northumberland [n:θ mberlend] – Нортумберленд

Yorkshire [‘j:k∫i∂] – Йоркшир

Nottinghamshire [‘n tiŋæm∫i∂] – Ноттингемшир

Cornwall [‘k:nw∂l] – Корнуолл

Devonshire [‘d∂v∂n∫i∂] – Девоншир

Derbyshire [‘dα:bi∫i∂] – Дербишир

Cumberland [’k mb∂lend] – Кемберленд

Great Britain is rich in coal. There are rich coal fields in Northumberland, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, South Wales, North Wales and near Glasgow. Among other mineral resources, iron ores found alongside coal layers are of great importance, but the iron content of most of the ores is very low. There are tin and copper mines in Cornwall and Devonshire, copper and lead mines in England. Lead and silver are also mined in Derbyshire, Cumberland and Lancashire.

1. What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in?

2. Where are the coal deposits located?

3. Where are the iron ores found?

4. What is the drawback of the iron ores in Great Britain?

5. In what parts of Great Britain are the tin, copper, lead and silver mines located?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 4224 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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