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Упражнения. I.Read the following sentences and comment on different meanings of the word one used in them

I. Read the following sentences and comment on different meanings of the word one used in them. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. St. Petersburg is one of the world’s most beautiful cities.

2. If one wants to subscribe to this newspaper one can do it not only at the post-office, but also at a savings bank or even at the publishing house.

3. Two heads are better than one.

4. Nelly could not tell the difference between one mushroom and another.

5. My wife lent money to one Mary Brown.

6. I am mother and father in one.

7. Our professor lives in a one-story cottage.

8. You are the one I want to talk to.

9. One can’t always be wrong, can one?

10. One man no man.

11. One cold windy day on Christmas Eve we decided to go to a Russian bath.

II. Read the following text and choose the answer from a)-e) which you think fits best according to the text. Pay attention to the words given bellow, read and memorize them.

A source of inexhaustible energy

Urgent (adj) [‘ з: d nt] – неотложный, срочный

Predict (v) [pri‘dikt] – предсказывать, прогнозировать

Rate (n) [‘reit] – темп, скорость, степень

Exhaust (v) [ig‘z:st] – исчерпывать, истощаться, исчезать

Scope (n) [‘sk∂υp] – размах, охват, масштаб

Charge (n) [t∫a:d ] – подзарядка, заправка, заливка (топлива)

Installation (n) [inst ‘lei∫n] – установка, устройство, оборудование, станция

Storage of energy is one of the most urgent world problems and experts predict that the present rate of increase in energy use could exhaust the supply of coal and oil in the twenty-first or twenty-second century. One can expect that the world needs a source of inexhaustible energy. The one that we have shining down on us is the sun. Solar radiation is an ideal source of energy due to both its scope and cleanliness. And there is no charge for the energy that flows so freely from the sun. Unfortunately its collection and storage can be both difficult and expensive. The cost of transforming solar radiation into electricity is still very high. Nonetheless solar energy is now widely used in solar energy installations. I have never seen one, but I think one day I shall have a chance to do that.

1. What is one of the most important problems?

a) Energy deficit (= deficiency).

b) Lack of raw materials.

c) Excess of energy.

d) Exhaustion of raw material resources.

e) Insufficient mining operations.

2. What energy source is inexhaustible?

a) Perpetuum mobile. d) Wind power.

b) Atomic energy. e) Sun energy.

c) Muscular strength.

3. Why is it difficult and expensive to collect and store this energy?

a) Because it is hard to transform it to electric power.

b) No information is given in the text.

c) Because no effective energy storage system has been developed yet.

d) Because this source is not powerful enough.

e) Because this source is unreliable.

4. Where is solar power in use?

a) At orbital stations. d) In southern regions.

b) Everywhere. e) No information is

c) At sun energy stations. given in the text.

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