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Breaking of sentences

Breaking of sentences is a translational technique when the syntactical structure of the original sentence transforms into two or more predicative structures in the final version. In the aftermath of this transformation we receive two or more separate sentences instead of one SL compound sentence.

The criterion here is the presence of two or more completed logical structures in one expanded saying, which could be regarded as independent sentences.

The annual surveys of the Labour Government were not discussed with the workers at any stage, but only with the employers.

Щорічні огляди лейбористського уряду не обговорювалися з робітниками на жодному етапі. Вони обговорювалися лише з підприємцями.

Both engine crews leaped to safety from a collision between a parcels train and a freight train near Morris Cowley, Oxfordshire.

Неподалік від станції Морріс Коулі у графстві Оксфордшір сталося зіткнення поштового і товарного поїздів. Члени обох локомотивних бригад встигли врятуватися, зіскочивши на ходу.

In the first sentence separation of the closing part of the original saying into an independent sentence enables the translator to preserve the opposition expressed in the original. In the second example the transformation of breaking was used to convey better the meaning of the block leaped to safety that is difficult to understand by the carrier of a non-Anglo-Saxon mentality. Besides it provided an organic feature of the Ukrainian language: the gradual growth of the contents loading in description of events. It’s worth noting that English language newspapers display the tendency to pack as more information in one sentence as possible while Ukrainian informative articles feature shorter phrases.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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