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Sight translation

Sight translation (переклад з листа) combines the features of both written and oral translation – information is material and is received from paper, display, etc., but translated orally.


Usually unknown text is translated, but sometimes time is given to get acquainted with it. Then the text is translated aloud, clearly, loudly and with good speed.

Factors, complicating the process of interpretation:

• combined difficulties of oral and written translation;

• necessity to maintain rhythm and regular speed of speaking, avoiding odd pauses, repetitions and corrections as well as mumbling and stumbling;

• necessity to provide increased speed of reading (about 200 words per minute at average speech speed – 100 words per minute);

• necessity to divide the text or combine phrases/sentences into such portions, which can be successfully translated, and also better understood orally.

Factors, facilitating the interpretation process:

• no problems with oral perception;

• possibility to get at least a couple of moments for preparation;

• presence of visual support, allowing to determine independently the length of the following original fragment and perceive its meaning;

• visual perception of precision information, considerably facilitating the translation;

• possibility to determine independently the type of translation;

• absence of load, more precisely – overload of operational (short-term) memory.

Necessary skills:

• quick switch into the language of translation with wide use of practically automatic substitution of ready equivalents (clichés, stock phrases) in corresponding context;

• high culture of managing all styles of native language;

• good knowledge of translation specifics into foreign language;

• ability to combine pronunciation of the current portion of translation with reading the next one;

• ability to read quickly to oneself the given text fragment and see in diagonally a few following phrases;

Actually sight translation into Ukrainian is kind of checking possession of all richness of native language, ability to express thoughts clearly and quickly, and into English – kind of test of knowing grammar, vocabulary, compatibility, etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 255 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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