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Two-way Interpretation (with Note-taking)

This type of interpreting (called “Consecutive interpreting (Formal Plus)”) is translation of formal conversations, interviews, speeches and press-conferences, etc., on international topics (general political topics with comparatively long utterances (up to 3-5 minutes).

Task of interpreter:

Knowledge of the given topic, first of all on the basis of preliminary lingual-regional geographical preparation, through studying and learning basis information, ability to freely orient oneself in general political matters, knowledge of names (positions) of political and state leaders, other persons, mastering terms; easy comprehension of fluent speech (including contaminated one with strong accent, etc.); correct interpretation of quotations; familiarity with diplomatic units or turns of speech, used in practice of international communication (in Latin, French, partially – in Greek); general culture and erudition; knowledge of basics of international law, diplomatic protocol and etiquette.

Factors, complicating the process of interpretation:

• a big volume of the information coming from both sides;

• official character of interview, talk, speech;

• individual features of the speaker;

• accentuated official nature of atmosphere, tension and unpredictability of situation, special relationship between the sides (dislike or enmity, hostility, conflict, etc.);

• distracting factors (sometimes entire discomfort of the place – e.g., in disaster area, in zone of military actions, state of emergency, operation of peacemaking forces).

Factors, which facilitate the interpretation process:

• possibility to see the documents, which disclose the sides’ positions in advance, consult with the participants and study the materials on topic;

• possibility to contribute to creating favorable atmosphere of communication (to the best of the interpreter’s ability);

• good business contacts, knowledge of local traditions and customs, appropriate physical and psychological training.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 234 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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