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Restarting the heart

To restart the heart following the operation a reversal of the procedure performed at the beginning of surgery is necessary; the body temperature is increased to 36.5-370 C again with the help of the heart-lung pump, and at the same time the amount of potassium in blood is reduced to a normal level. This is usually executed by ensuring the normal function of kidneys which discard the potassium from the body. This is when the heart function is monitored closely because there is a reversal in the process of inducing low body temperature and the excess of potassium which caused the heart to stop. In other words, the barrier which stopped the flowing river is removed; therefore, according to the laws of physics, the trapped fluid should flow again at great speed, and although following surgery the majority of hearts do begin to function again when these procedures are performed, there is unfortunately no actual guarantee. There may be certain complications or even causes which we have not yet discovered, in which case an electric shock of 10-20 joules is delivered directly to the heart muscle to encourage it to function normally. If this is unsuccessful, medication such as adrenalin, which induces the functioning of the heart, is given to the patient. If, following these repeated procedures, there is no effect, and, regardless of all the effort, the heart does not function, then everything is performed again from the beginning, including the operation. But there is always the possibility that the desired result may not be achieved. Human beings always face the prospect of death in daily life, and although there is a very slim chance of death, with such a big operation there is always the possibility.

We are normally totally unaware of the rhythmic incidents, combination of great harmony, occurring within our bodies. Even breathing, a necessity for every living creature to stay alive, is not an action which we activate and continue on our own will. Sight, hearing, hunger and senses are acts of nature over which we have little direct will or power.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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