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Rendering “evaluative component” of messages in interpreting

Evaluative components may play different roles in the semantic structure of utterances. If they are parts of the theme they may often be redundant and omitted in interpreting: The immense advances in science and technology open up great opportunities for the rapid development of our human and material resources – [...] досягнення у галузі науки та техніки забезпечують нам сьогодні можливість швидко розвивати людські та матеріальні ресурси. Omission of the evaluative adjective величезні in interpreting does not damage the sense of the utterance and its communicative effect.

However, if the evaluative component is placed in the rheme of the utterance, it becomes a part of the “informational focus” and its omission may result in distortions in interpretation: We have always attached considerable importance to the development of self–government – Mu завжди приділяли значну увагу розвитку самоврядування. Omission of the evaluative adjectives значну, велику would have resulted in a certain loss of the sense – evaluation, in this particular case.

In terms of semantic structure evaluative phrases may be classified into:

1. Phrases in which the evaluative component is included in the attribute and the antecedent (антецедент) either contains weak evaluation or no evaluation at all:

ATTRIBUTE: evaluation positive ATTRIBUTE: evaluation negative
meaningful concept difficult assignment
reliable means adverse effect
priority measures tragic results
successful outcome explosive situation

Phrases in which the evaluative component is included in the antecedent and the attribute is rather an intensifier of quality the meaning of which is equal to the generic adverb “very”:

ANTECEDENT: evaluation positive ANTECEDENT: evaluation negative
positive assurance significant deterioration
meaningful co–operation fruitless expenditures
clear g uidelines tremendous waste
durable peace deep regret

Omission of the evaluative attribute in rendering phrases of the first type will result in considerable loss of meaning, however, the evaluative attribute may be easily omitted in translating phrases of the second type where evaluation is “embedded” in the antecedent.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 644 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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