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Read the text and do the exercises that follow it. Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

a homesort – домосед

to get smth. ready – подготовить что-то

unanimous – единодушный

a trouble – неполадка

an engine – мотор

a spirit – настроение

It’s a difficult question for the Kirillovs what is the best way to spend the week-ends. There is a difference of opinion in the family. For example, Ann is fond of figure-skating in winter time. In summer time she likes swimming and boating. Oleg is always ready to go fishing, snow or rain. It’s his favourite pastime. His mother is a homesort. She likes to stay at home on week-ends. She likes watching television and knitting, especially when there’s nobody around. As for Oleg’s father he spends his week-ends in different ways. He goes to the theatre or goes for a camping week-end.

But the week before last the Kirillovs were unanimous. They all agreed to go to the country for a picnic. On Saturday everybody got up early in the morning. Grigory Alexeyevich went out to get the car ready. Meanwhile his wife and Ann were making sandwiches into a basket and Oleg took it down and put it into the car.

A quarter of an hour later they were ready to go. But Grigory Alexeyevich couldn’t start the engine. He tried again and again without success. It took him nearly half an hour to find the trouble.

At last they drove off. The weather was fine. The sun was shining brightly and everybody was in high spirits. Oleg was joking.

Soon they found a nice place at the riverside. The women wanted to sunbathe while Oleg and Grigory Alexeyevich were fishing. In the afternoon they had their tea and sandwiches.

It was getting dark when they decided to go back. But Grigory Alexeyevich couldn’t start the engine again. Everybody was worried. Besides, the weather was changing. It was getting cold.

They got home very late at night. Everybody was tired but glad the picnic was over.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 393 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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