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Exercises. 1. Use the text to put questions about:

1. Use the text to put questions about:

1) what each member of the family is fond of doing on week-ends;

2) how the Kirillovs were getting ready for the picnic;

3) what they were doing at the riverside;

4) why everybody was glad the picnic was over.

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Ann is fond of having her week-ends somewhere out.

2. Oleg is always ready to stay at home on week-ends.

3. The week before last the Kirillovs were unanimous.

4. In the morning everybody was busy getting ready for the trip.

5. Grigory Alexeyevich couldn’t start the engine for some time.

6. When they got to the riverside it began to rain.

7. At the riverside they had a nice time.

8. In the afternoon they decided to go back.

9. They got home very early.

3. Add some more sentences from the text to expand the following statements:

1. The Kirillovs spend their week-ends in different ways.

2. The week before last the Kirillovs were unanimous.

3. The preparations for the trip didn’t take them long.

4. They had a good time at the riverside.

5. They got home late at night.

4. Look through the text once again and speak on:

1) the way the Kirillovs usually spend their week-ends;

2) the picnic they went for last week-end.

Be ready to speak about your last week-end.

Text 3. Oleg’s trip to Minsk

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 373 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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