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A mob does not melt away from the presence of a plague-patient with more

Haste than the band of pallid and terrified courtiers melted away from the

Presence of the shabby little claimant of the Crown. In a moment he stood all

Alone, without a friend or supporter, a target upon which was concentrated a

bitter fire of scornful and angry looks. The Lord Protector called out fiercely:

'Cast the beggar into the street, and scourge him through the town — the

paltry knave is worth no more consideration!'

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Officers of the guard sprang forward to obey, but Tom Canty waved them off

and said:

'Back! Whoso touches him perils his life!'

The Lord Protector was perplexed in the last degree. He said to the Lord St.


'Searched you well? — but it boots not to ask that. It doth seem passing

strange. Little things, trifles, slip out of one's ken, and one does not think it

Matter for surprise; but how a so bulky thing as the Seal of England can

Vanish away and no man be able to get track of it again — a massy golden

disk —'

Tom Canty, with beaming eyes, sprang forward and shouted:

'Hold, that is enough! Was it round? — and thick? — and had it letters and

devices graved upon it? — Yes? Oh, now I know what this Great Seal is that

there's been such worry and pother about! An ye had described it to me, ye

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 209 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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