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The whole journey was made without an adventure of importance. But it

ended with one. About ten o'clock on the night of the night of the 19th of

February, they stepped upon London Bridge, in the midst of a writhing,

Struggling jam of howling and hurrahing people, whose beer-jolly faces stood

Out strongly in the glare from manifold torches — and at that instant the

Decaying head of some former duke or other grandee tumbled down between

Them, striking Hendon on the elbow and then bounding off among the

hurrying confusion of feet. So evanescent and unstable are men's works in this

world! — the late good king is but three weeks dead and three days in his

Grave, and already the adornments which he took such pains to select from

Prominent people for his noble bridge are falling. A citizen stumbled over that

Head, and drove his own head into the back of somebody in front of him, who

Turned and knocked down the first person that came handy, and was

promptly laid out himself by that person's friend. It was the right ripe time

For a free fight, for the festivities of the morrow — Coronation Day — were

Already beginning; everybody was full of strong drink and patriotism; within

Five minutes the free fight was occupying a good deal of ground; within ten or

Twelve it covered an acre or so, and was become a riot. By this time Hendon

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 177 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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