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Girls to the stake, then turned away and leaned his ashen face against the wall,

and looked no more. He said, 'That which I have seen, in that one little

Moment, will never go out from my memory, but will abide there; and I shall

See it all the days, and dream of it all the nights, till I die. Would God I had

been blind!'

Hendon was watching the king. He said to himself, with satisfaction, 'His

Disorder mendeth; he hath changed, and groweth gentler. If he had followed

His wont, he would have stormed at these varlets, and said he was king, and

Commanded that the women be turned loose unscathed. Soon his delusion will

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Pass away and be forgotten, and his poor mind will be whole again. God speed

the day!'

That same day several prisoners were brought in to remain overnight, who

Were being conveyed, under guard, to various places in the kingdom, to

Undergo punishment for crimes committed. The king conversed with these —

He had made it a point, from the beginning, to instruct himself for the kingly

Office by questioning prisoners whenever the opportunity offered — and the

Tale of their woes wrung his heart. One of them was a poor half-witted woman

Who had stolen a yard or two of cloth from a weaver — she was to be hanged

For it. Another was a man who had been accused of stealing a horse; he said

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 224 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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