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Distance and catch a glimpse of his home. At last he was successful, and cried

out excitedly:

'There is the village, my prince, and there is the Hall close by! You may see

the towers from here; and that wood there — that is my father's park. Ah,

now thou'lt know what state and grandeur be! A house with seventy rooms —

think of that! — and seven and twenty servants! A brave lodging for such as

we, is it not so? Come, let us speed — my impatience will not brook further


All possible hurry was made; still, it was after three o'clock before the village

was reached. The travelers scampered through it, Hendon's tongue going all

the time. 'Here is the church — covered with the same ivy — none gone, none

added.' 'Yonder is the inn, the old Red Lion — and yonder is the market-

place.' 'Here is the Maypole, and here the pump — nothing is altered; nothing

But the people, at any rate; ten years make a change in people; some of these I

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seem to know, but none know me.' So his chat ran on. The end of the village

Was soon reached; then the travelers struck into a crooked, narrow road,

Walled in with tall hedges, and hurried briskly along it for a half-mile, then

Passed into a vast flower-garden through an imposing gateway whose huge

Stone pillars bore sculptured armorial devices. A noble mansion was before


'Welcome to Hendon Hall, my king!' exclaimed Miles. 'Ah, 'tis a great day!

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 219 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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