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WHEN the king awoke in the early morning, he found that a wet but

Thoughtful rat had crept into the place during the night and made a cozy bed

For itself in his bosom. Being disturbed now, it scampered away. The boy

smiled, and said, 'Poor fool, why so fearful? I am as forlorn as thou. 'Twould

Be a shame in me to hurt the helpless, who am myself so helpless. Moreover, I

Owe you thanks for a good omen; for when a king has fallen so low that the

Very rats do make a bed of him, it surely meaneth that his fortunes be upon

the turn, since it is plain he can no lower go.'

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He got up and stepped out of the stall, and just then he heard the sound of

children's voices. The barn door opened and a couple of little girls came in. As

Soon as they saw him their talking and laughing ceased, and they stopped and

Stood still, gazing at him with strong curiosity; they presently began to

Whisper together, then they approached nearer, and stopped again to gaze

And whisper. By and by they gathered courage and began to discuss him

aloud. One said:

'He hath a comely face.'

The other added:

'And pretty hair.'

'But is ill clothed enow.'

'And how starved he looketh.'

They came still nearer, sidling shyly around and about him, examining him

Minutely from all points, as if he were some strange new kind of animal; but

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 236 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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