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Each garment in its turn had to go through this slow and solemn process;

Consequently Tom grew very weary of the ceremony; so weary that he felt an

Almost gushing gratefulness when he at last saw his long silken hose begin the

Journey down the line and knew that the end of the matter was drawing near.

But he exulted too soon. The First Lord of the Bedchamber received the hose

and was about to encase Tom's legs in them, when a sudden flush invaded his

Face and he hurriedly hustled the things back into the hands of the

Archbishop of Canterbury with an astounded look and a whispered, 'See, my

lord!' — pointing to a something connected with the hose. The Archbishop

Paled, then flushed, and passed the hose to the Lord High Admiral,

whispering 'See, my lord!' The Admiral passed the hose to the Hereditary

Grand Diaperer, and had hardly breath enough in his body to ejaculate, 'See,

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my lord!' The hose drifted backward along the line, to the Chief Steward of

The Household, the Constable of the Tower, Norroy King-at-Arms, the Master

Of the Wardrobe, the Chancellor Royal of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Third

Groom of the Stole, the Head Ranger of Windsor Forest, the Second

Gentleman of the Bedchamber, the First Lord of the Buckhounds —

accompanied always with that amazed and frightened 'See! see!' — till they

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 192 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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