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II. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering, our present-day civilization never could have evolved

1. Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering, our present-day civilization never could have evolved. 2. Many of the early branches of engineering were based not on science but on em­pirical information that depended on observation and experience rather than on theoretical knowledge. 3. This kind of experimentation eventually led to what is known as the Industrial Revolution. 4. First steam engines and then other kinds of machines took over the work that had previously been done by human beings or by animals. 5. James Watt devised the concept of horsepower to make it easier for his customers to understand the amount of work his machines could perform. 6. One result of the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge was an increase in the number of engineering specialties. 7. This growth in the number of specialties is continuing with the establishment of such disciplines as aerospace, nuclear, petroleum, and electronic engi­neering. 8. Within the field of mechanical engineering the major subdivision is industrial engineering, which is concerned with com­plete mechanical systems rather than individual machines. 9. In the design of a new aircraft mechanical engineers work not only on the plane's engines, but on other mechanical aspects, too. 10. When the aircraft goes into production mechanical and industrial engineers are involved in designing the machines necessary to fabricate different parts. 11. Another result of the increase of scientific knowledge is that engineering has become a profession. 12. A profession is an occupation like law or medicine that requires specialized advanced education. 13. Today it requires at least four or five years of university study leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. 14. Engineers must keep up with changes in their profession and those related to it. 15. A mechanical engineer who does not know about new materials cannot successfully compete with one who does. 16. All of this means that an engineer's education is never really finished so he or she must be willing to continue the learning process. 17. The word engineer is used in two senses in English. 18. One refers to the professional engineer who has a univer­sity degree and an education in one of the engineering specialties. 19. Engineer is also used to de­scribe a person who operates or maintains an engine or machine. 20. Engineers in this sense are highly-trained technicians rather than professional engineers. 21. The public has become aware of the social and environmental consequences of engi­neering projects. 22. Engineers are working to solve the problems of environmental pollution by designing devices that reduce pollution and improve fuel efficiency. 23. Engineering is described as a profession that finds prac­tical application of theoretical science.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 329 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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