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IV. Fill in the spaces with the suitable words and word combinations. 1. The problem of man and is one of the most difficult problems for many sciences 2

1. The problem of man and … is one of the most difficult problems for many sciences 2. We see signs of …, which may cause a crisis if … are not taken. 3. The air …, the earth … and are becoming polluted with bу-products of man's activities. 4. Маn depends … on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food, etc. 5. Man creates new compounds, new substances, pure chemical elements which are …. 6. The increasing noise level is a … nowadays. 7. Noise does not only do … to the hearer but can weaken …. 8. Every car consumes …. 9. The poisonous … makes difficult the emission of the earth's heat into space. 10. The pollution from industry can occur intentionally, when factories … directly into rivers, lakes and oceans. 11. Sea- and river-going ships often pollute … with various oil products. 12. No less than five million tons of oil are discharged into … each year. 13. One ton of oil can spread over about twelve square kilometres of … as a fine film. 14. One litre of oil makes one million litres of … unfit for drinking. 15. The contamination of … comes from many sources. 16. The volume of both … has increased in the past 50 years. 17. Industrial air pollution is caused by …, such ascarbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons. 18. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides lead to …. 19. Thebalance of nature within any ecosystem depends on … between millions of species. 20. The death of one species could … of hundreds of others. 21. There are many more … than of large ones. 22. Once the … has died, that species is lost to the planet. 23. We must try … on the earth — even the ugliest insects and the tiny, invisible bacteria.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 339 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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