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Maintenance Procedure. • When installing the hose, avoid sharp bending, kinking, flattening or twisting, and route the hose according to Ca­ble

• When installing the hose, avoid sharp bending, kinking, flattening or twisting, and route the hose according to Ca­ble, Wire and Hose Routing in the Appendix chapter.

• Tighten the banjo bolts to the specified torque.

Torque - Brake Hose Banjo bolts: 34 N-m (3.5 kgf-m, 25 ft-lb)

• Bleed the brake line after installing the brake hose.

Brake Fluid Change

• Level the brake fluid reservoir.

• Remove the reservoir cap.

• Remove the rubber cap from the bleed valve [A] on the caliper.

• Attach a clear plastic hose [B] to the bleed valve, and run the other end of the hose into a container.

Fill the reservoir with fresh specified brake fluid.

• Change the brake fluid as follows:

• Repeat this operation until fresh brake fluid comes out from the plastic hose or the color of the fluid changes.


О The fluid level must be checked often during the chang­ing operation and replenished with fresh brake fluid. If the fluid in the reservoir runs out any time during the changing operation, the brakes will need to be bled since air will have entered the brake line.

1. Open the bleed valve [A].

2. Apply the brake and hold it [B].

3. Close the bleed valve [C].

4. Release the brake [D].

• Remove the clear plastic hose.

• Tighten the bleed valve to the specified torque, and install the rubber cap.

Torque -Caliper Bleed Valve: 7.8 N-m (0.8 kgf-m, 69 in-lb)

OFollowthe procedure below to install the brake fluid reser­voir cap correctly.

OFirst, tighten the brake fluid reservoir cap [B] clockwise [C] by hand until the resistance is felt fully; then, tighten the cap an additional 1/6 turn [D] while holding the brake fluid reservoir [A] body.

• After changing the fluid, check the brake for good braking power, no brake drag, and no fluid leakage.

• If necessary, bleed the air from the lines.

Периодический ремонт 2-47

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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