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Maintenance Procedure. • Install the reservoir cap

• Install the reservoir cap.

• Remove the rubber cap from the bleed valve on the caliper.

• Attach a clear plastic hose to the bleed valve on the caliper, and run the other end of the hose into a con­tainer.

• Bleed the air from the caliper as follows:

• Repeat this operation until no more air can be seen com­ing out into the plastic hose.

1. Pump the brake lever until it becomes hard, and apply the brake and hold it [A].

2. Quickly open and close [B] the bleed valve while hold­ing the brake applied.

3. Release the brake [C].

Detach the clear plastic hose from the bleed valve. Tighten the bleed valve to the specified torque, and install the rubber cap.

Torque -Caliper Bleed Valve: 7.8 N-m (0.80 kgf-m, 69 in-lb)

Check the fluid level.

After bleeding is done, check the brake for good braking

power, no brake drag, and no fluid leakage.

Caliper Rubber Parts Replacement Disassembly the calipers (see Brakes chapter). Replace the fluid seal [A] under any of the following con­ditions.

OFluid leakage around the pad.

OBrakes overheat.

OThere is a large difference in left and right pad wear.

OThe seal is stuck to the piston.

• If the fluid seal is replaced, replace the dust seal as well.

• After finishing the replacement, check the brake effective­ness.

• Replace the dust seal [B] when it is cracked, worm, swollen and otherwise damaged.

Master Cylinder Rubber Parts Replacement

• Remove the master cylinders (see Master Cylinder Re­moval in the Brakes chapter).

• Disassemble the master cylinder (see Master Cylinder Disassembly in the Brake System).

• Replace the piston assembly to renew the primary and secondary cups.

• After finishing the replacement, check the brake effective­ness.

Периодический ремонт 2-49

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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