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Lecture N4

“Organization of management of finance”

Management of finance - is the process of influence on financial and social systems with the purpose of their perfection and development.

The elements of management of finance:

Ø Information

Ø Planning

Ø Organization

Ø Regulation

Ø Control

Strategic management of finance is assigned by the constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan to the supreme bodies of state authority and managements: Parliament, Administration of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan, Government, The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of economic and Budget planning.

Nation-wide finance is managed by the state bodies- The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of economic and Budget planning.

Nowadays perfection of management of finance occurs on the basis of coordination of this process to improvement in management of finance automated of system. It is represents as set of administrative, economic, mathematical methods of computing and organizational engineering, communication facility allowing effectively to operate the finance, financial system.

There are different types of automated systems:

Ø The automated system of financial accounting

Ø The integrated information system of exchequer

Ø The integrated tax information system of Republic of Kazakhstan

Ø The automated control systems of the enterprises

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 163 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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