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Methodical recommendations on studying discipline

The rate "Finance" represents a base subject matter in which features of one of the major components of an economic science – sciences about the finance are studied. "Finance" – the special discipline and its purpose – to provide theoretical and practical preparation of students in mastering financial categories, concepts, terms, their classification, value and a place in social and economic processes; problems of discipline is: studying of the nature of the finance, features of their functioning, opportunities of the mechanism of a category in effective development of a social production, achievement of understanding of interrelation and interaction of forms of the organization of the finance and methods of their application in concrete conditions of social and economic development of a society.

Studying of a rate assumes active use of operating economic practice on application of the market beginnings in economy and the finance. Therefore it is necessary to pay constant attention to occurring developments of market economy, analyzing and generalizing accumulated experience of development of market attitudes and their influence on the finance. For this purpose at development of a rate individual work of students, preparation of course works by them, participation with reports at student's conferences and other scientifically-practical actions are provided.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 309 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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