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Questions (tasks) for midterm the control (MC 1)

Concept of finance. Necessity of finance.

Material embodiment of financial attitudes is:

Allocate parts of a financial system.

Define a place of the state credit in a financial system.

Define a place of the finance of managing subjects in a financial system.

The nature of the finance is connected with:

Of the offered list of attitudes make a consecutive number by a principle «from the general - to private», considering a hierarchical subordination of listed attitudes:

Open the maintenance and problems of financial policy.

Characterize types of financial policy.

Open the maintenance and structure of the financial mechanism.

The information, planning, the organization, regulation and the control:

The main purpose of financial policy is:

List types of financial policy:

What consists of methods of financial planning in definition of financial parameters on the basis of an establishment of their dynamics and updating on rather steady rate of growth?

Depending on duration of the period and character of solved problems the financial policy is subdivided on:

The document defining the tax-budgetary policy in Kazakhstan for the forthcoming three-year period:

National fund of RK carries out following functions.

Open the maintenance of the finance of the enterprise.

Characterize financial funds of the enterprise.

Basic principle and the main method of conducting economic activities-financial; predetermines measures expenses with sources of their covering and profitable work.

Give concept of the cores and circulating capitals.

What is material basis of activity of noncommercial establishments and the organizations?

Allocate methods of housekeeping in noncommercial sphere.

The state budget, inappropriate funds, the state credit, finance of the state enterprises make concept:

Allocate methods of mobilization of public revenues:

Target and irrevocable character of financing, planned character, observance of an economy effort, financing moderately performance of plans:

Classify public revenues.

What parity of concepts "State expenditure" and «charges of the state budget»:

Growth of volumes of the State expenditure by advancing rates in comparison with growth of GNP – the phenomenon known as:

Properties of the public goods, the blessings and services:

For financial regulation are used?

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 143 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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