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List of an approximate questions for final control

1. Definition of finance

2. Necessity and nature of finance

3. Functions of finance

4. The role of finance in public reproduction

5. Interaction and interrelation of cost economic categories

6. Financial system, its structure

7. Financial resources and funds

8. Content of financial policy, purpose, tasks, principles

9. Content and structure of financial mechanism

10. Organization of management of finance in RK

11. Financial planning: object, goal and principles

12. The basic kinds of financial plans, it characteristic

13. Financial parameters

14. Financial control

15. Bodies of financial control in RK

16. Legal maintenance of financial relations

17. Nature, functions of finance of commercial enterprises and organizations

18. Classification of enterprises and organization

19. Basic features of finance of commercial enterprises

20. Organizations of the basic organizational –legal forms

21. Production assets of enterprises

22. The sources of formation of production assets

23. Financial funds of commercial enterprises

24. Charges of enterprises

25. Financial result of activity of enterprises

26. Characteristic of public finance

27. Public goods, boon and service

28. Structure of public finance

29. Essence and classification of public finance

30. Essence of state expenditures

31. Structure of state expenditures

32. Forms and methods of financing of state expenditures

33. Financing economy

33. Expenditures on social and cultural activities

34. Expenditures on social protection of population

35. Financing scientific and technical progress

36. Expenditures on defence and management

37. Essence, principles and functions of taxes

38. Organization of levying the taxes

39. Tax system RK

40. Characteristics of direct taxes

41. Corporate income tax

42. Individual income tax

43. Social tax

44. Taxes and special payments of mineral resources users

45. Taxes on property, land, vehicles

46. Indirect taxes

47. VAT

48. Excises

49. Fees and payments

50. Shifting of taxes

51. Tax evasion

52. Economic essence of state budget

53. The role of the state budget

54. Structure of incomes of the state budget.

55. Structure of expenditures of the state budget

56. Balance budget

57. Budget deficiency.

58. Budget structure and budget system

59. The essence and organization of local finance

60. Incomes and charges of the local budgets

61. Budgetary classification

62. Budget process

63. Inter-budget relations and their regulation

64. Finance of special economic zones

65. State off-budget funds

66. Accumulative State Pensions Fund

67. The state Fund of Social Insurance

68. National Fund of Republic of Kazakhstan

69. The Fund of development of Small Business

70. Innovation Fund of Kazakhstan

71. The essence of the state credit

72. Classification of State Credit

73. Forms and methods of the state credit

74. State debt

75. Concept of finance of household

76. Functions of finance of household

77. Financial resources of household

78. Budget of household

79. Enterprise activity of citizens

80. State social transfers

81. Special social services

82. State regulation of living standard of population

83. Insurance: nature and classification

84. Insurance market in Kazakhstan

85. State financial regulation of economy

86. Macroeconomic balance and finance

87. Variants of fiscal policy

88. Concept about financial market

89. Kinds of securities

90. Content of financial market

91. Methods of regulation of external economic relations

92. The customs duties

93. Problems of attraction of foreign investment in economy of RK

94. Formation and use of a currency resources of state

95. Balance of payment

96. Nature of inflation

97. Types and kinds of inflation

98. Measures of anti-inflationary policy

99. Overcome of expenditures

100. Interrelation of inflation with finance

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