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Theme 3

“Financial policy and financial mechanism”

Financial policy. Financial mechanism. Financial strategy. Financial tactics. The purpose of financial policy of Kazakhstan. The tasks of financial policy. Principles of the financial policy.

The functional parts of the financial mechanism.

Organizational- administrative aspect the financial mechanism: subsystems, blocks, elements. Characteristics of financial mechanism.

Organization of management of finance. The elements of management of finance: information, planning, organization, regulation, control. Nation-wide finance.Strategic management of finance. The Ministry of economic and Budget planning.

The local financial bodies. Regional, urban, regional financial managements and departments. The tax service - Tax committee of Republic of Kazakhstan and tax comities of areas, urban, regional. The committee of Customs control. Finance automated of system. The automated system of financial accounting. The integrated information system of exchequer. The integrated tax information system of Republic of Kazakhstan. The automated control systems of the enterprises.

Financial planning and forecasting. The object of financial planning.Tasks of financial planning. Definitions of plan and planning. Methods of financing planning: the settlement analytical method, the method of expert estimations, the normative method, program-target method, economic- mathematical method. Organizational principles of financial planning- departmental, branch, geographical. Annual, intermediate term (3, 5 years) and perspective plans.

Types of the financing planning in sphere of material manufacture: strategic financial plan, current financial plan, operative financial plan.

Legal maintenance of financial relations.

The financial right. Separate directions: budget rights, tax rights, economic rights.

Sections: the currency legislation, insurance legislation, bank rights, legal regulation of the state credit. Financial- legal norms.

Dispositive method. The methods of financial activity of the state are: methods of obligatory and voluntary payments to the centralized state funds, at distribution of state money- financing and crediting; at financial operations- methods of non -cash and cash payments.

The financial- legal acts. Normative, individual, legislative, under-lawful, planned-financial.

Financial control. The spheres of action of financial control are: administrative, legal, social, technical, political. The principles of financial control. The main tasks of the financial control. Kinds, forms and methods of financial control. External control and internal control.

The inside –economic control. Preliminary, current and subsequent control. The auditing control. System of bodies of the state financial control.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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