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Дисциплина: Фінанси

Модуль № _______________________________________________

Виконав _______________________________________________

Керівник _______________________________________________



Teaching and methodical complex of discipline

Fin 2301 Finance

(код, наименование дисциплины)

Management, 050508 Accounting and audit


( специальность: шифр, название)

Daily form (English department)


(форма обучения)


The working program is composed by senior lecture of “Finance and credit” Department, DBA Aigul Omarova in accordance to state obligatory educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan (bachelor department) and model program for course “Finance”.

Approved by the session of educational and methodical section of “Finance and credit” Department, № ____ «___» _________2011 year

Approved by the chair of “Finance and credit” Department__________assoc. prof._Omarbakiev L.A.

Agreed with Educational and Methodical Council (EMC) of UIB

Minutes N__ from “___” _____________2010

Chairman of EMC _____________________________________________ prof. Kaderova N.N.


1. Standard educational program of discipline 4-15
2. Working educational program of discipline 16-26
3. Syllabus for students 27- 38
4. Content of lectures 38-49
5. Methodical recommendations for carrying out of seminars 49-52
6. Methodical recommendations for organizing of self education of students 53-54
7. Themes for course project 55-57
8. Methodical recommendations for carrying out of course project 58-63

Standard program


(3 credits)


The course of “Finance” represents the basic studying discipline. It includes both theoretical rules of science about finance and practical aspects of use of category in economic processes.

Conceptually discipline is based on criteria and principles of economic theory and its continuation, concrete definition in specific sphere of financial relations.

The financial relations as the integral part of the industrial relations has specificity consisting of their character, directed on reproduction of a public product with formation of target money funds.

The course “Finance” in economic high schools and especially financial – credit direction is introduction, anticipating study of the subsequent disciplines as: “Financial control and audit”, “State budget”, “Corporate finance”, “Financial management”, “ Tax and taxation” and others.

The purpose of the discipline is to ensure theoretical and practical preparation of the trainees in mastering financial categories, concepts, terms, their classification, meaning, place in socio- economic processes, achievement of understanding of interrelation and interaction of the forms of organization of finance and methods of their application in concrete condition of social economic development of a society.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 220 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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