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The objective infinitivecomplex

is used after the verbs denoting a) perceptions of senses*:   to see to hear to feel to watch to observe to notice   I saw him get off the bus. Did you hear her sing? She felt her voice tremble. I watch her enter the shop. We observe the direction constantly change. Nobody noticed him come in.
b) wish, intention, emotions:   to want to wish to like to dislike to hate to intend should/would like I want you to help me. He wished the work to be done at once. He likes dinner to be in time. I dislike you to say such words. I hate you to talk like that. He intended me to go with him. I should like you to say here.
c) mental activity:   to consider to believe to think to find to know to expect to suppose I consider him to be right. I believe her to be a good teacher. We thought him to be sleeping. We find this value to be accurate enough. I know him to have said that. We expected her to return. I suppose him to be about fifty.
d) order, request, permission, advice, compulsion: to order to ask to request to allow to advise to recommend to cause to force get to make* to let*     He ordered the children to stop talking. I asked Tom to help me. He requested the matter to be kept secret. She doesn’t allow anyone to smoke. She advised me to tell the police about it. I wouldn’t recommend you to stay here. Her laziness caused her to fail. He forced me to go there. I got him to repair my car. What makes you think so? Let me go.

*The verbs to make, to let and the verbs of physical perception are followed by the infinitive without «to».

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 200 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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