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Senquence of tenses

Present Indefinite – Past Indefinite Present Continuous – Past Continuous Дія залежного речення відбувається одночасно з дією головного.
Present Perfect – Past Perfect Past Indefinite – Past Perfect Дія залежного речення є попередньою до дії головного.
Future – Future-in-the Past Дія залежного речення здійснюється після дії головного.
Sequence of Tenses
He lives in New York. I thought that he lived in New York. Одночасна дія
Mother is sleeping. I knew that mother was sleeping. Одночасна дія
He has returned from London. I was told that he had returned from London. Попередня дія
He bought a new car. I heard that he had bought a new car. Попередня дія
He will send us a letter. I supposed that he would send us a letter. Наступна дія
Непряма мова
При перекладі речень у непряму мову не забувайте застосовувати обставини часу, як вказано в таблиці
Direct speech Indirect speech
today yesterday tomorrow … ago this … here last year last month last … next … that day the day before the next day … before that … there the year before the month before the … before the following …
Indirect statements
He said   He told me “I am an engineer. I work at a plant. In the evening I study English” that he was an engineer and worked at a plant. He added that he studied English in the evening.
He said He told me “I saw my friend yesterday ” that he had seen his friend the day before.
He said He told me   “We lived in Rome two years ago. My father worked there.” that they had livedin Rome two years before and explained that his father had workedthere.
He said He told me “I shall tell you about it tomorrow. ” that he would tell me about it the next day.
Indirect questions
Special questions He asked (me) He wanted to know He wondered
Where do you live?” “ Where does he work?” “ What is Nick doing?” “ What have you prepared for today?” “ When did you come home yesterday?” “ When will your mother come home?” where I lived. where he worked. what Nick was doing. what I had prepared or that day. when I had come home the day before. when my mother would come home.  
General questions He asked (me) He wanted to know He wondered
“Do you play chess?” “Does she go to school?” “Are you listening to me?” “Have you done your homework?” “Did you skate last winter?” “Will you see your friend tomorrow?” if whether I played chess. she went to school. I was listening to him. I had done my homework. I had skated the winter before. I should see my friend the next day.
Запам’ятайте випадки, в яких інфінітив вживається без частки “to”:
після модальних дієслів; після дієслів to let і to make; в складному доповненні після дієслів сприйняття: (to see, to hear, to feel, etc.); після виразів I would rather …, You had better …
Форми інфінітиву
  Active Passive
Indefinite to write to be written
Continuous to be writing ¾
Perfect to have been written to have been written
Perfect Continuous to have been writing ¾

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 229 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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