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Technical measures excluding or limiting the dangerous and harmful production factors impact on technical personnel

Establishing on list of identified dangerous and harmful production factors it is necessary to develop concrete measures for excluding of production danger and harm or for their limitation within acceptable norms.

All of computations, technical decisions, recommendations are ought to be substantiated and suit operating НТД on Labour Precaution and ergonomics requirements, engineering psychology and technical aesthetics.

Text of subdivisions about the arrangements, which are developing, must be written and use the verbs of perfect tense, for example, “have foreseen ", „have executed", „have calculated ", „have laid", and etc. Inadmissible such style as: „ought to be ", „it needs to make", “necessary" and etc.

Writing a material of 2nd subdivision of the part «Labour Precaution» it is necessary to adhere a following way. At first expound the measure of composing (constructions) of designed device block are expounded: what material is used, closed or open execution, excluded accidental touch to open current conducting parts or not, fixed on shock absorbers (what this provides from point of view of accident prevention) or included as monoblock (by scheme) into basic device construction, and if this is a plate, then it needs to indicate its advantages from point of view of safe device maintenance.

до металевих частин енергоустаткування, що має хороше з'єднання із землею.

Такий дотик людини дуже небезпечний, оскільки ізоляція проводів мережі не відіграє ніякої захисної ролі. Вище перелічені умови визначають міру небезпеки ураження людини електричним струмом.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 179 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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