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Лексикология_04_ENG.doc. $$$114 Phraseology studies

$$$114 Phraseology studies

A) lexical homonyms

B) graphical abbreviations

C) synonyms and anlonyms

D) free word-combinations and phraseological units

E) phrasal verbs

$$$115 Lexical valency is the ability of a word

A) to appear in various word combinations

B) to lose its meanings

C) to appear in various grammatical structures

D) to acquire new meanings

E) to generalize its meaning

$$$116 Grammatical valency is the ability of a word

A) to appear in various word combinations

B) to lose its meanings

C) to appear in various grammatical structures

D) to acquire new meanings

E) to generalize its meaning

$$$117 Choose the line with set expressions that function like interjections

A) in the pink

B) by heart

C) cat's paw

D) by hook or by crook

E) Oh Boy! My God!

$$$118 Free word-groups are

A) words put together to form lexical units

B) stereotyped or unchangeable set expressions

C) phraselogical fusions

D) phraselogical collocations

E) phraseological unities

$$$119 Choose the definition of a phraseological unit

A) words joined together to make up single self-contained lexical units

B) any prepositional or postpositional phrases

C) the smallest two-facet language unit

D) functionally and semantically inseparable word-groups

E) the basic unit of a language

$$$120 Phraseological units differ from free word-groups in

A) their reproducibility in speech, idiomaticity and structural stability

B) their reproducibility in speech and structural variability

C) their structural stability and usability in the direct sense

D) their ability to function as independent units of communication

E) their ability to function as word-equivalents

$$$121 Vinogradov's classification of phraselogical units is based on

A) the criterion of function

B) the criterion of motivation

C) the criterion of idiomaticity

D) the criterion of fixed context

E) the theory of word equivalence

$$$122 A proverb is

A) a saying expressing some well-known truth

B) a familiar quotation

C) a free word-group

D) a verb-adverb combination

E) a traditional compound

$$$123 Choose the line describing the distinctive feature of proverbs

A) proverbs function as independent units of communication

B) proverbs are neither parts of statement, nor do they stand for the whole statement

C) proverbs are completely non-motivated

D) proverbs function as word-equivalents

E) proverbs function as word-groups

$$$124 The last straw breaks the camel's back is

A) euphemism

B) taboo

C) free word-group

D) a cliché

E) a proverb

$$$125 An idiom is

A) an expression or phrase the meaning of which is different from the literal

meanings of its components

B) a free word-group

C) a proverb

D) a familiar quotation

E) a saying

$$$126 According to the semantic classification word-groups fall into

A) motivated and non-motivated

B) movable

C) immovable

D) communicative

E) non-communicative

$$$127 Classification of phraseological units cannot be based on

A) the degree of idiomaticity

B) contextual approach

C) functional approach

D) on a combination of the functional, semantic and structural features

E) only on the structural principle

$$$128 Complete the following idiom of comparison as busy as

A) a bee

B) a mouse

C) a frog

D) a dove

E) an ant

$$$129 Choose the line with the synonymous phraseological units

A) through thin and thin; by hook or by crook; for love or money

B) in the soup; in the pink; under a cloud

C) to show one's cards; to look through one's fingers; to show the white feather

D) to take the bull by the horns; to wear one's heart on one's sleeve; to kill the goose

that laid the golden eggs

E) to wash one’s dirty linen in public; jack in the box; Jack of all trades

$$$130 Which of these proverbs expresses best the idea of the following situation"Very soon after his father's death Mike's mother died and he became an orphan.”

A) never say die

B) it never rains but it pours

C) tastes differ

D) all is not good that glitters

E) nothing venture, nothing have

$$$131 Choose one of the following lines with the sentence that has an idiom.

A) there are two possible explanations about the origin of this famous phrase

B) "why can't the mayor just cut all the red tape and let us have a parade without a


C) some idioms originated as colloquialisms or slang

D) some idioms were well-known proverbs and short sayings that express practical,

basic truth

E) it’s time to go to bed

$$$132 (To be) like a bull in a china shop means

A) to be a cause of anger

B) to be an insensitive, crude person

C) to feel very proud and happy about something

D) to feel uncomfortable, ill at ease in one’s surroundings, situation

E) to be a careless, clumsy person who may cause damage through lack of skill or


$$$133 A stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech is a

A) cliché

B) proverb

C) eset-expression

D) phraseological unit

E) idiom

$$$134 A term is

A) a peculiar type of word or word combination expressing a definite conception

B) a preposition

C) a proverb

D) a conjunction

E) slang

$$$135 Complete the idiom "as like as two" using one of the following words

A) peas

B) bears

C) twins

D) nuts

E) cucumbers

$$$136 Which of the following lines contains only form words

A) dog-like, through, to help

B) lonesome, handful, are

C) terror, a computer, out of

D) from, oh!, am

E) went, come on, and

$$$137 Complete the following idiom as sly as

A) a cat

B) a fox

C) a rock

D) an owl

E) a rose

$$$138 Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological fusion

A) take a fancy

B) wash one's dirty linen in public

C) show one's teeth

D) to kick the bucket

E) to come into fashion

$$$139 Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological collocation

A) to come into fashion

B) to kick the bucket

C) to show one’s teeth

D) red tape

E) to bear malice

$$$140 Which of the following phraseological units is not motivated

A) bear a grudge

B) bear malice

C) hot dog

D) take a liking

E) to show one’s teeth

$$$141 A phraseological fusion is

A) a partially motivated word-group

B) a completely non-motivated word-group

C) a partially non-motivated word-group

D) a motivated word-group

E) a completely motivated word-group

$$$142 To know the way the wind blows is

A) phraseological unity

B) phraseological fusion

C) phraseological combination

D) familiar quotation

E) proverb.

$$$143 Red flower is a (an)

A) set phrase

B) idiom

C) phraseological unit

D) free word-group

E) word-equivalent

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