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Лексикология_05_eng. Doc

$$$144 Etymology investigates

A) Peculiarities of the English vocabulary

B) Different types of compounds

C) The origin and history of a word and its true meaning

D) Different kinds of dictionaries

E) General problems of the theory of the word

{Правильный ответ}=C



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$145 Hybrids are

A) idiomatic compounds

B) removal of all functional and derivational elements

C) words which are made after existing patterns

D) words made up of constsituents from two or more different languages

E) the smallest meaningful units

{Правильный ответ}=D



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Ginzburg R.S. and others A Course in Modern English Lexicology

$$$146 Words borrowed from one language into several other languages are called

A) borrowings

B) euphemisms

C) synonyms

D) international

E) toponyms

{Правильный ответ}=D



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$147 Which of the following words are native English

A) devoid, interrogate, stomach

B) vacuum, question, abdomen

C) empty, ask, belly

D) finish, complete, ascend

E) compare, cry, commence

{Правильный ответ}=C



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$148 What does lexical assimilation of borrowings comprise

A) change in sound form and stress

B) various changes in the semantic structure of the word and formation of derivatives

from borrowed word-stems

C) different changes in sound -form and grammatical paradigms

D) changes in sound form

E) structural changes

{Правильный ответ}=B



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$149 What does the native element of the English vocabulary consist of

A) Latin and Celtic elements

B) Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian elements

C) Indo-European and Germanic elements

D) Indo-European and Celtic elements

E) Celtic and Scandinavian elements

{Правильный ответ}=C



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$150 Barbarisms are

A) completely assimilated words

B) semantically assimilated words

C) partially assimilated words

D) words which are not assimilated

E) grammatically assimilated words

{Правильный ответ}=D



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$151 Which of the following words are of French origin

A) empty, ask, belly

B) afternoon, and, ask

C) beau, commence, chauffeur

D) hyena, home, husband

E) hippopotamus, guerilla, caftan

{Правильный ответ}=C



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$152 The words ballet, buffet corps, bouquet, cliché are borrowings from

A) Latin

B) Indian

C) Spanish

D) French

E) Scandinavian

{Правильный ответ}=D



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$153 Choose the line with native English.

A) vacuum, exist, act

B) machine, parachute, valley

C) xylophone, epoch, chemist

D) confetti, macaroni, tobacco

E) summer, hope, life

{Правильный ответ}=E



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$154 The loan words husband, fellow, table, chair, figure are

A) partially assimilated words

B) neologisms

C) barbarisms

D) unassimilated words

E) completely assimilated words

{Правильный ответ}=E



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$155 The word unmistakable has constituents originated from

A) 4 languages

B) 2 languages

C) 3 languages

D) 1 language

E) 5 languages

{Правильный ответ}=C



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$156 Words: sari, sombrero

A) are not assimilated semantically

B) are not assimilated graphically

C) are not assimilated grammatically

D) are not assimilated phonetically

E) completely assimilated

{Правильный ответ}=A



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$157 The words “ cheese, street, wall, wine” belong to the earliest layer of ______ borrowings

A) Indian

B) Latin

C) Greek

D) French

E) Japanese

{Правильный ответ}=B



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$158 The difference between the British and American English is noticeable in the field of

A) phonetics

B) grammar

C) vocabulary

D) rhythm and intonation of speech

E) in all the fields of the language system.

{Правильный ответ}=E



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$159 The following words pyjamas khaki, mango, bungalow which became international came from.

A) Australia;

B) New Zealand;


D) Canada;

E) The USA.

{Правильный ответ}=C



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$160 The words glamour, kilt, raid, came into English from

A) The Scottish dialects;

B) Cockney;

C) the Irish dialect;

D) Australian English;

E) Canadian English

{Правильный ответ}=A



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$161 Choose the line where all the words have American spelling.

A) travelling, centre, colour, offence

B) jewellery, woolen, favour, metre

C) armour, although, fibre, monologue

D) humor, theater, program, thru

E) telegramme, center, picturesque, favour

{Правильный ответ}=D



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$162 The toponyms Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Utah are

A) Indian words (of Indian tribes)

B) Spanish words

C) German words

D) French words

E) Italian words

{Правильный ответ}=A



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$163 Concept is

A) a referent

B) an object

C) a sound-form

D) a meaning

E) a thought

{Правильный ответ}=E



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$164 Which of the following suffixes are of Greek origin

A) –doom, -hood, -ly;

B) – able, -ible, -ant, -ous;

C) –age,-ful,-ence;

D) –ist, -ism, -ite;

E) –anti, -dom, -ful.

{Правильный ответ}=D



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$165 The following definition "coal, n. a black, hard substance that burns and gives off heat" is an entry from

A) an explanatory dictionary

B) a dictionary of word-frequency

C) a bilingual dictionary

D) a dictionary of pronunciation

E) an etymological dictionary

{Правильный ответ}=A



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$166 "Thesaurus" means

A) a collection of words put in groups together according to likeness in their


B) a dictionary of abbreviations

C) an etymological dictionary

D) a list of explanations of words, especially unusual ones at the end of a book

E) an alphabetical list of words used in a book or collection of books by one writer

{Правильный ответ}=A



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$167 Word frequency dictionary is

A) unilingual dictionary

B) multilingual dictionary

C) bilingual dictionary

D) thesaurus

E) concordance

{Правильный ответ}=A



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$168 Which dictionary gives information about extra-linguistic world

A) bilingual dictionaries

B) translation dictionaries

C) glossaries

D) thesaurus

E) encyclopedia

{Правильный ответ}=E



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

$$$169 Dictionaries of abbreviations, antonyms, borrowings, new words are

A) general dictionaries

B) special dictionaries

C) glossaries

D) rhyming and thesaurus type of dictionaries

E) etymological dictionaries

{Правильный ответ}=B



{Код специальности}=050119

{Учебник}=Arnold I.V. The English Word

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