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Лексикология_03_ENG.doc. $$$079 Semasiology is the branch of lexicology that deals with

$$$079 Semasiology is the branch of lexicology that deals with

A) differentiation of vocabulary according to the sphere of communication

B) the phonemic shape of words

C) the grammatical function of words

D) a positional mobility of words within a sentence

E) the study of word meaning

$$$080 A metaphor is

A) a transfer of name based on the association of similarity

B) a transfer based upon the association of contiguity

C) specialization of meaning

D) degradation of meaning

E) amelioration of meaning

$$$081 A metonymy is

A) a transfer of name based on the association of similarity

B) a transfer based upon the association of contiguity of meaning

C) specialization of meaning

D) degradation or of meaning

E) amelioration of meaning

$$$082 Euphemism is

A) the substitution of unpleasant words by mild ones

B) a taboo

C) an irony

D) an ellipsis

E) litotes

$$$083 The White House, boston, volt, mackintosh are cases of

A) a metaphor

B) a metonymy

C) a euphemism

D) an irony

E) litotes

$$$084 A Don Juan, the foot of the bed, bookworm, the head of the school are cases of

A) a metaphor

B) a metonymy

C) a euphemism

D) an irony

E) litotes

$$$085 The words deer (O.E. 'wild beast'), meat (O.E. 'food') are cases of

A) widening of the meaning

B) pejoration of the meaning

C) amelioration of the meaning

D) specialization of meaning

E) generalization of the meaning

$$$086 Choose the line with synonyms to the word to look

A) to see, to gaze, to blame

B) to peep, to stroll, to sob

C) to watch, to strive, to race

D) to gaze, to glance, to peep, to stare

E) to starve, to search, to wait

$$$087 Which of the following words are homonyms proper

A) sea (n) - see (v)

B) wind (n) - wind (v)

C) tear (n) - tear (v)

D) bank (n) - bank (n)

E) knight (n) – night (n)

$$$088 Head of a cabbage is

A) a metaphor

B) a metonymy

C) a saying

D) a euphemism.

E) a proverb

$$$089 Metonymy is based on

A) narrowing of meaning

B) contiguity of meaning

C) pejoration of meaning

D) amelioration of meaning

E) extention of meaning

$$$090 Metaphor is a transfer of name based on

A) the association of similarity

B) contiguity of meaning

C) pejoration of meaning

D) amelioration of meaning

E) extension of meaning

$$$091 The word combinations a long distance, a long speech, a short path, a short time are cases of metaphor based upon

A) the analogy between duration of time and space

B) similarity of shape

C) similarity of behaviour

D) similarity of function

E) similarity in position

$$$092 Meaning is

A) the relation between the object or notion named, and the name itself

B) stylistic coloring of the word

C) the lexical valency of the word

D) the syntactic valency

E) the sound form

$$$093 Choose the line with total (complete or absolute) synonyms

A) pretty, handsome, beautiful

B) functional affix, inflection, flexion

C) to eat, to partake, to peck

D) capable, skillful, qualified

E) companion, friend, associate

$$$094 Choose the line with the derivational antonyms

A) careful – careless

B) slow – fast

C) correct - incorrect – wrong

D) temporary-permanent

E) enemy – friend

$$$095 Choose the letter with mixed antonyms

A) final – first

B) safety – danger

C) active - passive – inactive

D) temporary – permanent

E) slow – quick

$$$096 Choose the line with synonyms to the word to hope

A) to expect, to look forward, to anticipate

B) to look forward, to sway, to puff

C) to wait, to plague, to anticipate

D) to appeal, to sway, to look forward

E) to controvert, to contradict, to glaze

$$$097 Choose the line with the case of a hyperbole

A) the White House

B) thousand pardons

C) mother tongue

D) the leg of the table

E) grass green

$$$098 Seeds of evil is

A) metonymy

B) simile

C) litotes

D) metaphor

E) epithet

$$$099 Choose the letter with homophones

A) night (n) - knight (n)

B) tear (n) - tear (v)

C) lead (n) - lead (v)

D) wind (n) - wind (v)

E) new (adj) – old (adj)

$$$100 Choose the line that has words belonging to terminology

A) lovely, beautiful, colorful, handsome

B) a book, a shop, a suit, a street

C) telegraph, antibiotic, radar, metaphor

D) to go to bed, to get up, to have breakfast, to clean

E) three, above, are, far, straight

$$$101 Choose the line with homonyms proper

A) ball (n) - ball (n)

B) wind (n) - wind (v)

C) check (n) - cheque (n)

D) been (v)- bean (n)

E) bear (n) – bear (v)

$$$102 Choose the line with the homographs in the following sets of words

A) new – knew

B) brake – break

C) by – buy

D) piece – peace

E) bow - bow

$$$103 Choose the line with the case of a metaphor

A) the Pentagon

B) the bonnet of the car

C) to kick the bucket

D) at all

E) tick-tack

$$$104 "I'll poet him!", "I'll orange your face!", " to girl the boat". Are the underlined verbs the cases of

A) traditional conversion

B) occasional conversion

C) metaphor

D) metonymy

E) humor

$$$105 What common element do the words cities, tables, relations have

A) the lexical meaning

B) the grammatical meaning of plurality

C) the stylistic coloring

D) the denotational meaning

E) the connotational meaning

$$$106 The words: swish, splash are

A) phonetically motivated

B) semantically motivated

C) morphologically motivated

D) non-motivated

E) graphically motivated

$$$107 Taboo is the main cause of such a linguistic phenomenon as a (an)

A) idiom

B) euphemism

C) hybrid

D) etymological doublet

E) metonymy

$$$108 Set expression “tooth and nail” functions like a (an)

A) noun

B) verb

C) adjective

D) adverb

E) preposition

$$$109 “ I have told you 50 times ” is an example of a

A) metonymy

B) metaphor

C) euphemism

D) hyperbole

E) litotes

$$$110 Words to commence, to compute are

A) learned words

B) common colloquial words

C) dialectical words

D) jargonisms

E) vulgarisms

$$$111 “Doctor, medical man”,and “scientist, scholar” are

A) ideographic synonyms

B) stylistic synonyms

C) antonyms

D) total synonyms

E) partial synonyms

$$$112 Words, which are different in sound and in meaning, but identical in spelling are

A) homonyms proper

B) homophones

C) homographs

D) synonyms

E) antonyms

$$$113 To err is human is a (an)

A) cliché

B) proverb.

C) idiom.

D) free phrase.

E) familiar quotation.

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