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Give an answer in the Future Simple Tense; use the substitutions

Model: - What will you do tomorrow morning? (tomorrow, in two days, next week, next month). - We’ll visit the International Book Fair.

- to prepare a new offer for complete equipment;

- to translate the contract for rendering technical assistance;

- to take part in the talks with the British customer;

- to take the customer’s representatives to the plant.

6. Read and act the dialogues:

1) - Did you have talks with a delegation from Brazil?

- Yes, we finished the design and survey work and we are going to deliver the equipment.

- Did you sign the contract last week?

- No, we discussed the prices.

- What about the terms of payment?

- We spoke much about it. So we discussed the terms of delivery, the quality of the equipment and the insurance.

2) - Last month we got an enquiry from Ross & Co. They are going to construct a chemical plant and are interested in our equipment.

- That’s really good news. I hope our terms will suit then.

- I think we are going to sign an attractive contract with them.

3) - We’ve just been to your pavilion, Mr. Petrov.

- What do you think about it?

- We’re impressed by what we’ve seen there. Is all the equipment for sale?

- Yes, everything. We export it to many countries.

- We also want to place an order with you for your equipment.

- Glad to hear that. Such exhibitions are very useful. They help businessmen to make contacts and promote cooperation.

- I fully agree with you.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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