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Long famous as an international business centre, Birmingham has developed into a modern and exciting city whose buildings and shops are second to none 1.

Buying and selling has been an important part of life in Birmingham for more than eight hundred years. In fact men used to sell their wives there as recently as the 18-th century! (In 1733 Samuel Whitehouse sold his wife to Thomas Griffiths in the market place for a little more than a pound!) Although neither husbands nor wives are for sale nowadays, Birmingham’s markets offer a large choice of other goods.

Each Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, the colourful rag market can be found. People used to 2 come to buy and sell old clothes (rags) but now there is a wide selection of modern fashions for everybody.

Years ago farmers used to sell their animals at the Bull Ring, but now it is one of the biggest open-air markets and shopping centers in the United Kingdom. People enjoy shopping there because it has modern shops, together with atmosphere of a traditional street market.

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Why do people enjoy shopping in Birmingham?

… because they used to sell and buy their wives there.

… because they used to sell and buy rags and animals there.

… because it has modern shops, together with atmosphere of a traditional street market.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-28; Прочитано: 549 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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